Snipe - Gallinago gallinago71 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Snipe - Gallinago gallinago71 viewswith a Pipit as its wingman
photographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Spotted Redshank - Tringa erythropus77 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
a record shot of my first sighting of a Spotted Redshank at the mere
Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus70 viewsphotographed@Marton Mere, Blackpool
Lapwing - Vanellus vanellus68 viewsphotographed@Marton Mere, Blackpool
Woodcock74 viewsa record shot as it sped by - photographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Snipe - Gallinago gallinago69 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Snipe - Gallinago gallinago74 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Oystercatcher - Haematopus ostralegus66 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Oystercatcher - Haematopus ostralegus66 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
(Common) Snipe - Gallinago gallinago81 viewsI was hoping this was my 1st Jack Snipe sighting - but on closer inspection it would seem it's a Common Snipe, never mind. Thanks to the young lady in the hide for pointing it out & my apologies for the incorrect ID.
photographed @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Common Redshank - Tringa totanus71 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool - NOT a regular sighting at the Mere
Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinago70 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool
Common Snipe - Gallinago gallinago64 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool
Common Redshank - Tringa totanus64 viewsI was quite surprised to see this Redshank fly in & land in the middle of the Mere
photographed @ Marton Mere, Blackpool
Curlew - Numenius arquata62 viewswell I think it's a Curlew, not easy to tell from this angle but it looks a big 'un, so I'm going with curlew
photographed@Marton Mere, Blackpool
Little Ringed Plover71 viewson a flyby @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Little Ringed Plover74 viewson a flyby @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Little Ringed Plover61 viewson a flyby @ Marton Mere nature reserve, Blackpool
Common Snipe71 viewsfrantically flying round circling the reedbed before descending into the reeds to roost, photographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Common Snipe68 viewsfrantically flying round circling the reedbed before descending into the reeds to roost, photographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Black-tailed Godwits63 viewsphotographed on a flyby @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Oystercatcher72 viewsa chap on a wildlife photography forum I use reckons this is actually a Mudpecker :-)
photographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Oystercatcher Haematopus ostralegus Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool68 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Oystercatcher70 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Oystercatcher70 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Oystercatcher70 viewsphotographed @ Marton Mere Nature Reserve Blackpool
Common Sandpiper79 viewsA poor record shot, but my only Common Sandpiper shot to date at Marton Mere, so I'll add it until I get a better one.